Housing & Property

Make Langenburg your home! Explore different housing options available in our community.
Check residential, commercial property, property taxes, and incentives
Town Residential Lots
Residential lots owned by The Town of Langenburg are 65 x 110 / 75 x 110 sizes and locates on 3rd, 4th, Riedel Ave, and Century Crescent streets. Town provides 3-years 100% land and building tax incentive for the new residential house construction! 
Contact Town Office at (306) 743-2432, office@langenburg.ca

Buy or rent

Warren Vandenameele
P: (306) 743-5558, c: (306) 743-7761
Alex Vandenameele
P: (306) 743-5558, c:(306) 743-7033

Long/short term rental
Langenburg Housing Authority
(affordable rental housing for families, individuals or seniors)
Brenda Weiss, Chairperson
Terrie Schwartz, Manager
Phone: (306) 606-0270
Email: tschwartz@housingauthoritysk.com
Box 321, Langenburg, SK S0A 2A0

Long term rental
Address: 207 Riedel Ave. E, Langenburg
Cheryl Haas
P: (306) 743-7271
E: cheryl_haas@hotmail.com
Residential lots for modular homes
P: (844) 525-4006
W: https://www.northernlightscommunity.ca/ (lots size 130 x 50)
 Short term rental
Duck Pond Guesthouse
Two cabins for rent. Just 8 miles (12.8 k) north of Marchwell, SK
Marla and Richard Geres
P: (306) 743-5299
E: easternsky.duckpond@gmail.com
 Short term rental
Langenburg Country Inn Motel 
Address: 1041 Kaiser William Avenue East, Langenburg
P: (306) 743-2638
E: langenburgcountryinnmotel@hotmail.com