Carol initially became interested in clay through a course offered by Joan Wilson from Saltcoats. It become a shared creative experience with her three children and Mel joined in. Her introduction to raku came as a result of a course Mel took in Melville by potter and raku artist John Cloutier.
Potter’s People began when Carol started working with clay making hand sculpted figurines and gophers for Langenburg’s own Gopherville. She started taking her wares to local craft sales and hence the name Potter’s People involved into a craft business.

developed in Japan. It begins as an ordinary process with clay being rolled out and sculpted,
bisque fired in an electric kiln and then glazed. Its then put into barrel fired with a propane tiger torch. Each piece is heated to 1850º degrees at which point the unpredictability of raku begins to emerge. Raku is a very primitive way of firing. The different effects are free and uncontrolled, the endless patterns and varied metallic lustres are left to the whims of the fire forming in the reduction barrel filled with combustible organic materials such as straw or sawdust, pine needles. Even the temperature and type of weather can affect the ultimate look of the piece. This creates a unique unpredictable color lustres and patterns.

Annually Mel and Carol host two home shows:
-Garden of Inspirations. Garden of Inspirations is held in the loft of their barn the third weekend of June. It is a two-day sale featuring the contemporary raku art pieces, abstracts tiled mirrors and whimsical garden décor for home and garden. The show joins fellow artists and craftspeople, yoga, live music and delicious cheesecakes made by Carol’s Mom Joan Fox and sister Sher Fox. Carol’s sister Wanda and Family join to help with this two-day event, which will be on June 19 & 20, 2020. It will be 22nd "Garden of Inspirations" show!
-Christmas in the Country. Christmas in the Country which is held the last weekend in November showcasing charming gifts and whimsical holiday décor for home, served up with warm cider & fresh gingerbread, once again, lovingly made by Joan Fox, Carol’s mom.

They do take custom orders and have created many in the past. Please check out Potter’s People Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SaskPottersPeople/
"I feel art is something inside you, your inner voice, your conscience, express it, process or just deal with it. But ENJOY IT! We are blessed that so many people have enjoyed it.”
"We would like to thank Langenburg and surrounding area for supporting and enjoying our art and making our business so viable in small town Saskatchewan. We look forward to meeting new customers and welcome our loyal customers to Christmas in the Country that will be this week November 29, 5:00 pm -10:00 pm and November 30, 10:00 am - 5 pm.”
Mel and Carol Schaab
P: (306) 743-5079
Directions // Langenburg, SK
from hwy 16 (at Langenburg Motors dealership) turn south on country road / travel 3 km and turn right at Potter's People.