Langenburg Community Thrift Shop, Castle Closet, is a non-profit organization solely funded by second-hand items and cash donations. It's a place where more than 40 volunteers share their commitment, passion, and energy to help grow the surrounding area.
OUR MISSION: To generate funds to help Langenburg and area communities to grow by donating earned profit to local groups, organizations, and individuals in need.
- Adaptability. We are flexible and responsive in meeting ever-changing needs in our community.
- Compassion. We show and create a kind and friendly atmosphere in the Langenburg area.
- Educations & Awareness. We create a place where students can volunteer and learn various community-building tactics.
- Transparency. Our meetings are open to everyone, and annual financial reports are accessible to the public.
- Safety. We ensure a safe workplace and safe second-hand items that we sell.
We have a dedicated Board of Directors however we are always looking to welcome more casual volunteers. Flexible commitment that works with your schedule. Volunteering offers a fantastic opportunity to give back to the community and meet new people. As an added bonus, (for any volunteer) you get first pick of items at 50% off!
The Castle Closet serves surrounding communities that are welcome to volunteer or donate. The shop will support those communities by giving back to their needs.
- The Castle Closet Grant. Communities can apply for the grant all year round and are reviewed monthly by the Board Of Directors.
- Clothing Program. A program to assist individuals with employment related clothing at a reasonable cost.
- Caring and Sharing Program. In exchange for volunteer hours accepted local non-profit groups will receive a percentage of sales for a chosen month.
- Youth Involvement. The shop recognizes the importance of youth involvement in community building and gladly provides students (must be at least 14 years old) with volunteer experience.
The Thrift Shop is NOW OPEN!
Right now the shop accepts items and cash donations at the shop:
- Monday CLOSED
- Tuesday 10:00 - 1:00 PM
- Wednesday 10:00 - 1:00 PM
- Thursday CLOSED
- Friday 2:00 - 5:00 PM
- Saturday 11:00 - 2:00 PM
- Sunday CLOSED
Please follow us on Facebook for Holiday closures and occasional "extra" openings!
We invite you to join the Board of Directors or come to volunteer at the store!
Please contact our Volunteer Director Lois Wilson (204) 868-5250 or email at loiswilson@mynetset.ca
More information:
Lois Wilson
P: (204) 868-5250
E: loiswilson@mynetset.ca