Here you will find 5 ball diamonds, 2 newly developed full sized soccer pitches, a concession booth
and washroom facility that are packed with minor ball, soccer, slopitch and a SESBL team throughout the summer. Some of the major successes over the past three years include: Redeveloping Diamond 4 with more fill to keep it from holding water as well as enclosing the diamond with a full fence, updating and reconstructing the batting cage, improving the overall appearance of all diamonds and dugouts at the sports grounds as well as the development of 2 new soccer pitches.
Future plans include:
Putting a fence on Diamond #7
Creating an over hang shelter on the front of the canteen
Diamond Lighting
Langenburg Minor Ball Association "Home Run" Campaign
All sponsorship levels include the following recognition:
- a special place on a donor sign which will be posted at the Langenburg Ball Diamonds
- a recognition certificate
- recognition on the Town of Langenburg and Langenburg Minor Ball social media and the Four Town Journal
- income tax receipt (if required)
Sponsorship Levels
- GRAND SLAM $10,000+
- HOME RUN $ 5,000+
- TRIPLE $ 2,500+
- DOUBLE $ 1,000+
- SINGLE $ 500+
For any additional information please feel free to contact
South West corner of town in RM 181
Coordinates: R7MR+76
P: (306) 743-2432