Saskatchewan's Fun Village "Gopeherville" was an unique attraction out here, on the prairies for almost 20 years (just a mile east from Langenburg).

Everything started from Cal Mintram, president of "Gopherville" Tourist Attractions Inc., vision.
On November 27, 1985 construction was underway. The "Gopherville" gates opened on May 1, 1986 and the grand opening took place August 7, 1986.
The "Gopherville" Fun Village had lots of attractions:
- The Amusement Park that included: a miniature golf, the ball room, a trampoline, the world's largest bike, the world's largest swing "Goliath", a miniature train, train "The Gopherville Express", the Gopherville Gardens and the Miniature Church, the petting zoo.
- The Land of Miniatures. It was created by Kamsack born artist Bill Abetkoff and owned by Ken Mintram and Darren Schmidt. The Land of Miniatures took visitors on a journey from coast to coast across Canada, including an European Escape, the Ice Planet, Wizard's Castle, etc. Also there was a collection of miniature tractors and equipment on display.
- The General Store. It had big variety of items for sale, including: wicker, brass, cast iron, pine needle birds, shells, dishes, toys, T-shirts, caps, souvenirs, rattan, a "Gopher Patch" created by June Kohen (stuffed toy gophers, dressed as characters) and much more.
- Santa Claus Store. Everything for Christmas and all year round.
- Gopherville Ice Cream Parlour and Restaurant, leased by Delores Ament and Helen Schappert.
- "Gopher Gas Company" owned by Ken Mintram.
- Antique Display that was across from all the shops.
In 1987, there worked 29 employees during the summer season. Thousands of visitors stopped each month. Every 500 visitor received a gift!
Old "Gopherville" site still exists and is available for purchase! Contact: 306-743-5177,